Speidel Braumeister Review: Built According to the German Purity Law

True to the German desire for precision, the Speidel Braumeister official website proudly proclaims that this automatic brewing equipment is “Built according to the German Purity Law“.

Brewing your own beer from scratch can be back-breaking work and truth be told, it can be complicated. Novices who are not yet familiar with the intricacies and subtleties that go into fine homebrew will certainly need all the help they can get.

Even proficient brewers could do with a little mechanical help if only to reduce the time between starting a fresh batch and sitting down to drink it.

The Speidel Braumeister is an automated brewing system that does almost everything for you short of drinking the beer on your behalf.

So is the Speidel Braumeister any good? Find out in our Speidel Braumeister review below.

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How the Speidel Braumeister Works

The Speidel Braumeister is easy to use even for someone who has never brewed beer before.

The Braumeister is an electric brewer so it needs to be plugged into a power source. You can program the recipe on the control panel and can adjust the temperature values and times.

Speidel Braumeister Control Panel

Fill the vessel with the appropriate amount of brewing water and the equipment will begin to heat the water until it has reached the optimum mashing-in temperature.

The brewer gives an alert to signal that its time to insert the malt pipe, sieve screens, and roughly crushed malt. The machine then prompts you to confirm that the malt is filled in and the brewing process begins. The wort begins to rise and overflows.

Next, equipment then goes into the rest phase and displays the target vs. actual temperature and target vs. actual time. The process will continue automatically once the target temperature and time are achieved. There are 2 to 5 phases in the mashing process depending on the recipe. Keeping the lid on during this process saves energy and increases efficiency.

There is an alert once the brewing phases complete. Here you remove the malt pipe to separate the crushed malt from the beer wort. This process is as simple as removing and suspending the malt pipe over the vessel.

At this point there is an alert to confirm that you want to proceed with boiling the hops. Next comes the cooling process using a cooling coil (sold separately) to bring the temperature down to roughly 68°F.

Finally, drain the beer wort into a fermentation container for the final fermentation.

Speidel Braumeister Features

The Speidel Braumeister claims to bring a brewery-like set up in your own home. The magic of this electric automated brewing system lies in its features and functionality.

Different Sizes to Suit Your Brewing Needs

The Speidel Braumeister comes in a couple of choices for homebrewing including 10L, 20L, and 50L.

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The perfect option depends on a couple of factors including the size of your brewing space, your brewing proficiency, and of course the amount of beer you would like to brew per session.

The 10L Speidel Braumeister is perfect for one-off batches while the 20L and 50L are great for anything from stocking up on homebrew to hosting a keg party or entering a brewing competition.

Fully Automatic Brewing System

The Speidel Braumeister takes a lot of the hard and undesirable work out of homebrewing. You don’t have to worry about mashing malt which the unit does automatically.

The system also boils the wort and doesn’t need you to stir it constantly. The patented Braumeister malt pipe technology gently circulates the beer wort which enhances the malty flavor of the final product. 

The system maintains consistent temperature and timing throughout the brewing process to ensure perfectly brewed beer every time.

Interactive Brewing

Don’t worry about giving up too much control of the brewing process. Part of the joy of making a homebrew is putting in the work and trying out new recipes.

Up-side-down lid used for filling in malt

This isn’t a set-and-forget kind of system. You still need to manually lauter the wort. This process is easy with the Speidel Braumeister; simply lift the interior grain basket, and drain the wort.

You also need to add the hops in yourself during the boil.

There is also room to experiment and perfect your process by setting your preferred temperatures and times as well as the option to preset up to 10 recipes.

The unit comes with 2 recipes pre-installed to get you started.

Brewery-Quality System for Home Use

It is hard to get to work on the Speidel Braumeister without immediately feeling like a brewmaster. The equipment has a modern aesthetic that looks good in your kitchen or brewing space.

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The double-jacket is a great feature that allows the trub in the wort to sink to the bottom unrestricted while cooling. This, in turn, makes for very clear wort and enhances the final quality of the brew.

Another great feature is the machine pumps liquid from the bottom to the top. This design increases the malt aroma as the malt loosens up during the pump breaks.

These and other such features result in a superior brew that some may find hard to believe is made at home.

Beginners get a running start to making high-quality beer from day one. This is also the kind of set-up that would make all the difference in a brewing competition where beers made with the Speidel Braumeister tend to dominate.

Are There Downsides to the Speidel Braumeister?

There is no such thing as perfect equipment.

The glaring downside of the Braumeister is the price which may be a little steep for some people. The truth is you are getting what you pay for. This is a brewery-style unit with high heating capacity and automated features so the price tag is hardly a surprise.

There are certainly cheaper alternatives on the market although you will have to give up some of the features and functionality that make the Braumeister great.

Final Thoughts on the Speidel Braumeister

The diversity of the homebrewing equipment market has made it possible for almost anyone to get into brewing regardless of skill level and prior experience.

The Speidel Braumeister is a great example of the ingenuity and investment that is going into these products. The fact that the Braumeister is capable of step-mashing opens up new possibilities for homebrew lagers and craft beers.

This is indeed a commercial-style system right in your own home. It is very well built and is an investment that you will continue to enjoy for many years with proper use, care, and maintenance.

The fully automated home brewing machine is perfect for brewers across the board from the novice taking his first tentative steps, to the intermediate looking for an upgrade, all the way to an experienced brewer.

The consistent and high-quality brew makes this piece of equipment the perfect investment for a home brewery.

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